Summarising existing M&V schemes in the Netherlands can be evaluated as positive. Existing schemes are developed in accordance with the requirements of the ESD and EED. For selected measures, the savings are then mapped in more detail with bottom-up monitoring, allowing more direct connections to be made with policy measures. Moreover, specific verification procedures have been established. A homogeneous M&V scheme at present does not exist, so the operation of separate M&V scheme according to the peculiarities of each energy efficiency measure seems to be an effective way for the development M&V.
Monitoring and Verification Schemes
Coordination Mechanisms
The legal responsibility for energy efficiency policy-making lies at national level. Nevertheless, the distribution of responsibilities for energy efficiency policy-making and implementation is clearly defined among the different governmental layers. Furthermore, agencies and research centres facilitate the implementation and coordination of energy efficiency policy between national and local levels, while various public consultations have been organised. The responsible authorities have the sufficient financial and human resources for the planning and implementation of the energy efficiency measures.