The implemented M&V schemes in Italy can be positively evaluated, as they operate for many years proving their effectiveness, especially for the case of the white certificate scheme. Moreover, these M&V schemes have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the ESD and EED. The implemented bottom-up procedures and verification procedures can be considered as successful aspects of the M&V schemes. Even if a homogeneous M&V scheme does not exist, the operation of separate M&V schemes according to the peculiarities of each energy efficiency measure seems to be an effective strategy for the development of similar M&V schemes.
Monitoring and Verification Schemes
Coordination Mechanisms
Various aspects of a coordination mechanism have already been introduced for the design and implementation of energy efficiency measures in Italy, facilitating the fulfilment of energy efficiency targets at national and regional level. Indisputably, the committee Conferenza Stato Regioni can be the basis for the development of a concrete coordination mechanism exploiting the current degree of experience.
Best practice cases have been identified under the following topics:
- Coordination bodies
Here is the full report on European best practices for M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms