With the requirement to transpose the Energy Savings Directive (ESD) at national level by mid-2008 and to monitor the progress made in achieving the energy saving target of 9% on a regular basis, Austria has established a bottom-up monitoring system for energy efficiency end-use measures, which became operational in autumn of 2015. This monitoring system has been completely revised and adapted to the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), repealing the ESD as of 2012 and the Austrian Federal Energy Efficiency Law of August 2014.
The Austrian Energy Agency is the national monitoring body for Austria in charge, among others, of setting up the entire monitoring process, developing a central online-database for the reporting of the implemented energy efficiency measures, developing and updating bottom-up calculation methods and reporting the savings to the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. Finally, the M&V scheme in Austria obliges the federal bodies and obligated parties of the Energy Efficiency Obligation scheme to report energy efficiency measures on a yearly basis. A statistically significant sample of these will be verified by the national monitoring body by means of plausibility checks, in depth checks and occasionally by means of on-site visits.
Link to the Austrian Energy Agency.
Best practice cases have been identified under the following topics:
- Administrative authorities and their responsibilities
- Sectoral and spatial analysis
- Energy efficiency measures
- Measurement and monitoring procedures
- Data collection procedures
- Verification procedures
- Penalties for non-compliance
- Reporting obligations
- Administrative costs
- Integrated tools
Here is the full report on European best practices for M&V schemes and coordination mechanisms